#!/bin/sh # This script was generated using Makeself 2.1.5 CRCsum="0000000000" MD5="00000000000000000000000000000000" TMPROOT=${TMPDIR:=/tmp} label="INSTALLING SDK AND ADB PLEASE WAIT........" script="sudo" scriptargs="./Android_SDK_INSTALL_SCRIPT.sh" targetdir="." filesizes="20480" keep=y print_cmd_arg="" if type printf > /dev/null; then print_cmd="printf" elif test -x /usr/ucb/echo; then print_cmd="/usr/ucb/echo" else print_cmd="echo" fi unset CDPATH MS_Printf() { $print_cmd $print_cmd_arg "$1" } MS_Progress() { while read a; do MS_Printf . done } MS_diskspace() { ( if test -d /usr/xpg4/bin; then PATH=/usr/xpg4/bin:$PATH fi df -kP "$1" | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}' ) } MS_dd() { blocks=`expr $3 / 1024` bytes=`expr $3 % 1024` dd if="$1" ibs=$2 skip=1 obs=1024 conv=sync 2> /dev/null | \ { test $blocks -gt 0 && dd ibs=1024 obs=1024 count=$blocks ; \ test $bytes -gt 0 && dd ibs=1 obs=1024 count=$bytes ; } 2> /dev/null } MS_Help() { cat << EOH >&2 Makeself version 2.1.5 1) Getting help or info about $0 : $0 --help Print this message $0 --info Print embedded info : title, default target directory, embedded script ... $0 --lsm Print embedded lsm entry (or no LSM) $0 --list Print the list of files in the archive $0 --check Checks integrity of the archive 2) Running $0 : $0 [options] [--] [additional arguments to embedded script] with following options (in that order) --confirm Ask before running embedded script --noexec Do not run embedded script --keep Do not erase target directory after running the embedded script --nox11 Do not spawn an xterm --nochown Do not give the extracted files to the current user --target NewDirectory Extract in NewDirectory --tar arg1 [arg2 ...] Access the contents of the archive through the tar command -- Following arguments will be passed to the embedded script EOH } MS_Check() { OLD_PATH="$PATH" PATH=${GUESS_MD5_PATH:-"$OLD_PATH:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/local/ssl/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/openssl/bin"} MD5_ARG="" MD5_PATH=`exec <&- 2>&-; which md5sum || type md5sum` test -x "$MD5_PATH" || MD5_PATH=`exec <&- 2>&-; which md5 || type md5` test -x "$MD5_PATH" || MD5_PATH=`exec <&- 2>&-; which digest || type digest` PATH="$OLD_PATH" MS_Printf "Verifying archive integrity..." offset=`head -n 406 "$1" | wc -c | tr -d " "` verb=$2 i=1 for s in $filesizes do crc=`echo $CRCsum | cut -d" " -f$i` if test -x "$MD5_PATH"; then if test `basename $MD5_PATH` = digest; then MD5_ARG="-a md5" fi md5=`echo $MD5 | cut -d" " -f$i` if test $md5 = "00000000000000000000000000000000"; then test x$verb = xy && echo " $1 does not contain an embedded MD5 checksum." >&2 else md5sum=`MS_dd "$1" $offset $s | eval "$MD5_PATH $MD5_ARG" | cut -b-32`; if test "$md5sum" != "$md5"; then echo "Error in MD5 checksums: $md5sum is different from $md5" >&2 exit 2 else test x$verb = xy && MS_Printf " MD5 checksums are OK." >&2 fi crc="0000000000"; verb=n fi fi if test $crc = "0000000000"; then test x$verb = xy && echo " $1 does not contain a CRC checksum." >&2 else sum1=`MS_dd "$1" $offset $s | CMD_ENV=xpg4 cksum | awk '{print $1}'` if test "$sum1" = "$crc"; then test x$verb = xy && MS_Printf " CRC checksums are OK." >&2 else echo "Error in checksums: $sum1 is different from $crc" exit 2; fi fi i=`expr $i + 1` offset=`expr $offset + $s` done echo " All good." } UnTAR() { tar $1vf - 2>&1 || { echo Extraction failed. > /dev/tty; kill -15 $$; } } finish=true xterm_loop= nox11=n copy=none ownership=y verbose=n initargs="$@" while true do case "$1" in -h | --help) MS_Help exit 0 ;; --info) echo Identification: "$label" echo Target directory: "$targetdir" echo Uncompressed size: 24 KB echo Compression: none echo Date of packaging: Wed Apr 14 22:26:24 EDT 2010 echo Built with Makeself version 2.1.5 on echo Build command was: "./makeself.sh \\ \"--nocomp\" \\ \"--current\" \\ \"--nomd5\" \\ \"--nocrc\" \\ \"/home/elderon/Downloads/ANDROID_SDK_INSTALL\" \\ \"LINUX_SDK_ADB_INSTALLER\" \\ \"INSTALLING SDK AND ADB PLEASE WAIT........\" \\ \"sudo\" \\ \"./Android_SDK_INSTALL_SCRIPT.sh\"" if test x$script != x; then echo Script run after extraction: echo " " $script $scriptargs fi if test x"" = xcopy; then echo "Archive will copy itself to a temporary location" fi if test x"y" = xy; then echo "directory $targetdir is permanent" else echo "$targetdir will be removed after extraction" fi exit 0 ;; --dumpconf) echo LABEL=\"$label\" echo SCRIPT=\"$script\" echo SCRIPTARGS=\"$scriptargs\" echo archdirname=\".\" echo KEEP=y echo COMPRESS=none echo filesizes=\"$filesizes\" echo CRCsum=\"$CRCsum\" echo MD5sum=\"$MD5\" echo OLDUSIZE=24 echo OLDSKIP=407 exit 0 ;; --lsm) cat << EOLSM No LSM. EOLSM exit 0 ;; --list) echo Target directory: $targetdir offset=`head -n 406 "$0" | wc -c | tr -d " "` for s in $filesizes do MS_dd "$0" $offset $s | eval "cat" | UnTAR t offset=`expr $offset + $s` done exit 0 ;; --tar) offset=`head -n 406 "$0" | wc -c | tr -d " "` arg1="$2" shift 2 for s in $filesizes do MS_dd "$0" $offset $s | eval "cat" | tar "$arg1" - $* offset=`expr $offset + $s` done exit 0 ;; --check) MS_Check "$0" y exit 0 ;; --confirm) verbose=y shift ;; --noexec) script="" shift ;; --keep) keep=y shift ;; --target) keep=y targetdir=${2:-.} shift 2 ;; --nox11) nox11=y shift ;; --nochown) ownership=n shift ;; --xwin) finish="echo Press Return to close this window...; read junk" xterm_loop=1 shift ;; --phase2) copy=phase2 shift ;; --) shift break ;; -*) echo Unrecognized flag : "$1" >&2 MS_Help exit 1 ;; *) break ;; esac done case "$copy" in copy) tmpdir=$TMPROOT/makeself.$RANDOM.`date +"%y%m%d%H%M%S"`.$$ mkdir "$tmpdir" || { echo "Could not create temporary directory $tmpdir" >&2 exit 1 } SCRIPT_COPY="$tmpdir/makeself" echo "Copying to a temporary location..." >&2 cp "$0" "$SCRIPT_COPY" chmod +x "$SCRIPT_COPY" cd "$TMPROOT" exec "$SCRIPT_COPY" --phase2 -- $initargs ;; phase2) finish="$finish ; rm -rf `dirname $0`" ;; esac if test "$nox11" = "n"; then if tty -s; then # Do we have a terminal? : else if test x"$DISPLAY" != x -a x"$xterm_loop" = x; then # No, but do we have X? if xset q > /dev/null 2>&1; then # Check for valid DISPLAY variable GUESS_XTERMS="xterm rxvt dtterm eterm Eterm kvt konsole aterm" for a in $GUESS_XTERMS; do if type $a >/dev/null 2>&1; then XTERM=$a break fi done chmod a+x $0 || echo Please add execution rights on $0 if test `echo "$0" | cut -c1` = "/"; then # Spawn a terminal! exec $XTERM -title "$label" -e "$0" --xwin "$initargs" else exec $XTERM -title "$label" -e "./$0" --xwin "$initargs" fi fi fi fi fi if test "$targetdir" = "."; then tmpdir="." else if test "$keep" = y; then echo "Creating directory $targetdir" >&2 tmpdir="$targetdir" dashp="-p" else tmpdir="$TMPROOT/selfgz$$$RANDOM" dashp="" fi mkdir $dashp $tmpdir || { echo 'Cannot create target directory' $tmpdir >&2 echo 'You should try option --target OtherDirectory' >&2 eval $finish exit 1 } fi location="`pwd`" if test x$SETUP_NOCHECK != x1; then MS_Check "$0" fi offset=`head -n 406 "$0" | wc -c | tr -d " "` if test x"$verbose" = xy; then MS_Printf "About to extract 24 KB in $tmpdir ... Proceed ? [Y/n] " read yn if test x"$yn" = xn; then eval $finish; exit 1 fi fi MS_Printf "Uncompressing $label" res=3 if test "$keep" = n; then trap 'echo Signal caught, cleaning up >&2; cd $TMPROOT; /bin/rm -rf $tmpdir; eval $finish; exit 15' 1 2 3 15 fi leftspace=`MS_diskspace $tmpdir` if test $leftspace -lt 24; then echo echo "Not enough space left in "`dirname $tmpdir`" ($leftspace KB) to decompress $0 (24 KB)" >&2 if test "$keep" = n; then echo "Consider setting TMPDIR to a directory with more free space." fi eval $finish; exit 1 fi for s in $filesizes do if MS_dd "$0" $offset $s | eval "cat" | ( cd "$tmpdir"; UnTAR x ) | MS_Progress; then if test x"$ownership" = xy; then (PATH=/usr/xpg4/bin:$PATH; cd "$tmpdir"; chown -R `id -u` .; chgrp -R `id -g` .) fi else echo echo "Unable to decompress $0" >&2 eval $finish; exit 1 fi offset=`expr $offset + $s` done echo cd "$tmpdir" res=0 if test x"$script" != x; then if test x"$verbose" = xy; then MS_Printf "OK to execute: $script $scriptargs $* ? [Y/n] " read yn if test x"$yn" = x -o x"$yn" = xy -o x"$yn" = xY; then eval $script $scriptargs $*; res=$?; fi else eval $script $scriptargs $*; res=$? fi if test $res -ne 0; then test x"$verbose" = xy && echo "The program '$script' returned an error code ($res)" >&2 fi fi if test "$keep" = n; then cd $TMPROOT /bin/rm -rf $tmpdir fi eval $finish; exit $res ./0000755000175000017500000000000011361474473011067 5ustar elderonelderon./Android_SDK_INSTALL_SCRIPT.sh0000755000175000017500000000450711361474473015767 0ustar elderonelderon#!/bin/bash #This Script is for the auto install of adb under linux #Made By: LrdElderon from the #koush channel irc.freenode.net ############################################################## #Run by making sure the script is chmod +x and then sudo run it ############################################################## nameis=$SUDO_USER echo "Downloading SDK..........." wget http://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r05-linux_86.tgz echo "NOW MOVING SDK TO /usr/local/" sudo mv android-sdk_r05-linux_86.tgz /usr/local/ echo "DONE" cd /usr/local echo "STARTING UNZIP OF SDK" sudo tar -zxvf android-sdk_r05-linux_86.tgz echo "DONE" echo "Renaming Sdk to androidsdk" sudo mv android-sdk-linux_86 /usr/local/androidsdk #Test change #test if user is 32 or 64 and if 64 has library files echo "Checking system version" if [ 'uname -a | grep -o "x86_64"' ]; then echo "Has 64 bit system" echo "installing 32bit library files" sudo apt-get install ia32-libs else echo "user is using 32bit system will continue install" fi #end test change sudo echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/androidsdk/tools" >> /etc/bash.bashrc cd /etc/udev/rules.d echo "Creating USB rule file for droid device" sudo touch 99-android.rules sudo echo SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", ATTRS{idVendor}==\"22b8\", SYMLINK+=\"android_adb\", MODE=\"0666\", OWNER=\"USERNAME \" >> 99-android.rules sudo sed "s/USERNAME/$nameis/g" 99-android.rules >tempfile1 sudo cat tempfile1>99-android.rules sudo chmod a+r 99-android.rules echo "DONE and restarting UDEV" sudo restart udev echo "DONE now cleaning up" sudo rm tempfile1 sudo rm /usr/local/android-sdk_r05-linux_86.tgz echo "." echo "," echo "," echo "ALL DONE!" echo "Please make sure debugging is turned on in your phone" echo "If the phone was already plugged in please unplug and replug back in now" echo "AND TYPE: adb, after it starts up try, adb devices or adb shell" echo "Thanks for using my adb installer for linux - LrdElderon" echo "." echo "." echo " if you found this to be helpful I urge you to please donate I take" echo " a lot of time to help users " echo "They are not however required " echo "." echo "." echo " PAYPAL DONATONS TO: Elderon@gmail.com " ./install.png0000644000175000017500000002606711361447536013256 0ustar elderonelderonPNG  IHDRHHUG pHYs   OiCCPPhotoshop ICC profilexڝSgTS=BKKoR RB&*! 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