" Open Source "

Windows Updates fail on Windows XP SP2 (Error Code 0x8024400A)

So just recently I was working remotely on some client’s workstations and had a bunch of problems with Windows XP updates. Turns out Microsoft made it where Windows XP SP2 is no longer compatible with Windows Update! (more…)

Virtualmin Cloudmin will not install error libdigest-sha1-perl on Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin

When recently installing Cloudmin on a server running Ubuntu 12.04 I came across an error saying that Cloudmin could not install due to libdigest-sha1-perl not being installed. Even if you try running apt-get install libdigest-sha1-perl you will not find it in any repositories because the version of Perl used for Ubuntu 12.04 already includes Digest::SHA. Nevertheless there are some applications that still call libdigest-sha1-perl, inlcuding Cloudmin. In order to install libdigest-sha1-perl you need to (more…)

How to erase or wipe a hard drive and MBR using linux

Sometimes you may need to wipe your hard drive for either security reasons or just to have a clean hard drive.  Here are a few commands you can use under linux to wipe either the entire hard drive or just the MBR.  You can do this with all 0’s or random data for security.


Enable and Unlock The Netgear Telnet Console on Wireless Routers from Windows, Linux, or Mac

If you decide to spend a hundred or even a couple hundred dollars on a wireless router you are normally paying that price for the hardware which means you probably also want to flash custom firmware or just poke around and see what’s on there. Well there are a few Netgear routers that you can get into a telnet session under and below I will explain how to do it.
