Filename | |
filesize | 3.7 MB |
Version | 6.0 |
Date added | December 2, 2013 |
Downloaded | 132820 times |
Category | Android |
Tags | 4.4, android, apk, default, email, exchange, kitkat, mail |
post_id | 1400 |
This zip contains the default Android 4.4 KitKat email, and exchange apk files. If you intend on using Exchange you must install the Exchange APK.
These files *MAY* overwrite your existing default email app. If you are running a custom rom that is on kitkat using an older version, it will install alongside the default app.
This version does NOT have exchange policy requirements removed, and is NOT flashable from recovery, just unzip and install through Android.
I have confirmed this method to use and bypass exchange security policy requirements:
** For some reason there is an issue with sync and using this method, I have uploaded another version with exchange already bypassed here: