" Software "

How to create a well structured website using PHP and include function (1 header and footer file)

In this example i’m going to show you how to create a very simple and easy website using PHP and the PHP Include function. This is a great way to create your website because you only need to have one header and one footer file! This is how i structure almost all my websites because think about it, if you need to change an image, a link, or even a typo, if you are using regular HTML files you have to edit each one individually! This will show you how to save yourself a LOT of time!

First thing you will need is a host, if you do not have one you can get a free account from Host Tornado at http://www.hostt.net.


How to change WHMCS breadcrumbs portal index page from index.php

In this tutorial we are going to go over how to change or shall we say “fix” the fact that WHMCS DOES NOT allow you to change the “index.php” page for WHMCS portal in the breadcrumbs.  This can be a problem for people who DO NOT want to create a subdirectory or sub folder to put their WHMCS install in.  If you notice on any WHMCS install in the breadcrumbs the “portal” link is set to index.php and it’s not changeable.  This became an issue for me for my new hosting company Host Tornado (http://www.hostt.net) because i have my WHMCS install on my home directory, so if a user is in the customer portal and wants to go back to the index page it takes them to the main page.  Not acceptable. So basically WHMCS is REQUIRING that you create a subdirectory or subfolder, but if you follow the tutorial below i will show you a way to get around that with a little bit of PHP 🙂

How to install Advanced Testimonials Manager System from CodeCanyon

Advanced Testimonials

Advanced Testimonials

So after working on my new site i decided to add a rotating system for testimonials and projects to the homepage.  Instead of spending the time making sure all my code was correct i went ahead and purchased a script from CodeCanyon which i can edit to do whatever i want.   The script i went with was called Advanced Testimonials Manager System, mainly because it uses jQuery and fairly simple css and html.  I wanted to have the “fading” look so this script worked out perfectly.

In this tutorial i will explain how to install the script itself and manipulate it to do what we want.


How to install a MySQL Database using cPanel Hosting Panel using x3 Theme

First thing to do is login to cpanel and scroll the to the bottom.

Many times you can access your cpanel by going to http://www.yoursite.com/cpanel

For this example we will be using the x3 theme with a modified template. The colors on yours might be different but everything should be laid out the same.

Select the option that says MySQL Databases. (more…)