" Open Source "

How to use GIT to stash (backup or save) changes, compare files in stash for changes, and restore a single file from stash

So say you have software running on a server that you used “git pull” to get from a GitHub project.  You only use the software and need to make minor changes to work with your particular setup, meaning you don’t submit any updates to the GitHub project.  Well what happens when you want to update that software?  All those changes you make is going to cause issues, right?  Well maybe, but that’s where git stash will come in handy for you… (more…)

Linux Bash Script to Patch WHMCS 5.1 Google Checkout Security Vulnerability

Yesterday WHMCS released an announcement that there was a security vulnerability with the Google Checkout module in the 5.0 – 5.1.2 versions of WHMCS. This vulnerability can permit a malicious user to inject SQL via the Google Checkout module. (more…)

Google’s Transparency, Maps Style Inside Street View of Data Center, and a free Windows 7 Google Data Centers Theme

As we all know Google is just simply amazing. By far the leader in innovation and creation and plays a part in almost everybody’s daily life. I am as excited about Google as I am about Open Source code, and there isn’t any other company in the world that makes me tingle inside with happiness like Google does. Anyways, within the past month or so Google has started to release pictures and give a real insight on their data centers and just transparency in general (which I think EVERY company should take a good hard look at) and that inspired me to create a quick and easy Windows 7 theme with all the Data Center pictures. (more…)

How to install APC and Memcached on Centos 6