" Software "

“Who can make something dope out of this green screen” – Skrillex & Zedd PSD/Image

Skrillex recently posted a tweet “Who can make something dope out of this green screen ” … I just happened to see it and decided I would take a shot at it.  The original image was very low resolution, probably the worst green screen you could imagine, Zedd is wearing green shorts, lighting is off and casting shadows, Skrillex is wearing all black and it blends with the shadows …. the list goes on.



How to fix Ubuntu/Debian apt-get 404 Not Found Package Repository Errors (Saucy, Raring, Quantal, Oneiric, Natty…)

If you’re using a normal version of Ubuntu such as Saucy, Raring, Quantal, Oneiric, Natty, Maverick, etc, you may have already (and will eventually) start getting “Failed to fetch 404 Not Found” errors when trying to run  apt-get update , or even sometimes running apt-get install , but fear not, it is easy to fix, and here’s how… (more…)

Using Grunt with grunt-replace to replace handlebars/mustache with package.json variables

Recently while testing out some Node.js modules for Grunt I came across grunt-replace, and my first though was, this would be great for setting up boilerplate PHP files for my WordPress plugins.  Because I already set the name, slug, version, and other details in the  package.json file, it would be great to use a template I could create for PHP files and just use Grunt to take the details from   package.json  and setup my base plugin files using a template syntax like Handlebars or Mustache.  Luckily for me it worked out perfectly, but did require a little bit of troubleshooting and head scratching, but here’s how to make it work … (more…)

How to use placeholder with Select2 and WordPress with wp_dropdown_categories

Recently while working on a site I had an issue with getting a placeholder to show up while using WordPress built in wp_dropdown_categories and Select2. The fix was pretty easy with a little bit of jQuery, which you can see below: (more…)