" Open Source "

How to install and configure an FTP Server (vsFTP) on CentOS 6 in 5 minutes

In an earlier post I gave a quick tutorial on how to transfer files using LFTP instead of rsync or scp, and I had a few questions about setting up a simple and easy FTP server to use LFTP with. The easiest way i’ve found to do this is by using VSFTP, and here’s how to do it. (more…)

How to create a CD-ROM ISO image from hard drive, flash drive, or directory using Linux

Creating an ISO under linux is actually a LOT easier than you may think. You don’t need any extra software, and it can be done directly from the command line interface. To create an iso (more…)

How to install Git under CentOS running cPanel

Recently when working on creating a new bash script to calculate inode usage I attempted to install Git on a CentOS 5 cPanel server and got a lot of Perl errors. After running the install command from Yum as you can see in the output below it was complaining about dependencies.

Here’s a few of the errors that I received when trying to install


WordPress Upgrade to 3.4 and can’t access Admin Section, site redirects to upgrade.php, Page Not Found

Just a few minutes ago I attempted to upgrade my WordPress installation to the new version 3.4. Of course something went wrong but luckily it only took me a few minutes to figure it out. The problem I was having was the upgrade completed but then it kept redirecting me to /upgrade.php when I tried to access admin area with a heading of Page Not Found. Basically preventing any access to the admin area. Here’s how I fixed it… (more…)