Resourcify, a WordPress Plugin to display sources/resources/quotes at bottom of post

Resourcify Wordpress Source Plugin

So if you’ve read around on my blog i’m sure you’ve seen at the bottom of the post “Sources” which are basically links to sites that helped me, or had relevant information I thought others would benefit from.  Unfortunately the plugin I was using for this hasn’t been updated since 2011, and I finally decided to create one myself to take care of this, and to add new features such as templates, etc.

The original plugin I was using was called Quote Source but as mentioned above, it hasn’t been updated since 2011.  It worked great but there were some features I wanted  to add, and I figured it was time to just write my own.

Resourcify WordPress Source Plugin

Resourcify WordPress Source Plugin

Resourcify is a WordPress Plugin that will allow you to add Sources, Resources, and Quote Sources to a post.

Simply put, it gives you an interface on the post admin area to add a Title and URL for each Resource. The plugin will then output those resources at the bottom of a single post page using standard html  <ul> and  <li>tags.

When creating a new post, below the content box you will see something similar to this:

This first release version is very simple and does allow you to select “Source”, “Resource”, or “Quote”, but right now this is only for future support of these categories. Currently the plugin only outputs the items as you can see below, but soon will include formatting and more styles to choose from.

The output will look similar to the screenshot below …. or the Sources below!!

And as usual, the plugin is completely open source, you can find it on Github:

Resourcify WordPress Plugin Output Preview

Resourcify WordPress Plugin Output Preview


Orlando, FL

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